Towards a new interface
Calm, focused computing for your intent, attention, and time
Engelbart, for better or for worse, was trying to make a violin. Most people don't want to learn the violin.
Alan Kay
Developer of Smalltalk, Dynabook, etc
Computers can be crowded, overwhelming places. What happened to that file I downloaded? What am I supposed to do with all these tabs I have open? I was learning about why the short Turkish bow is superior to the English longbow a while back - did I ever save it? How do I work on all my projects and stay organized?
We spend too much time manually switching between tasks and let too much knowledge slip through the cracks. The computer’s potential as a thought partner is largely unrealized. Douglas Engelbart, Alan Kay, and Tim Berners-Lee are on record being mortified by the state of things.
The interface paradigm developed at Xerox PARC, the one we’re familiar with, is aging. And it’s based on assumptions that are no longer true. Far less content. Isolated devices. A different kind of computer intelligence.
This is an opportunity to create change. If we can make a better human-computer interface, we end up with people who are calmer, smarter, more focused and effective. So that is what we’re doing.
We can do this because Enai is a whole interface - a container for other software programs. The computer needs to become a place for thought, but another browser, canvas, or pkm tool is unlikely to have the reach to accomplish this. Instead, Enai connects websites, apps, and documents in a holistic context where everything is oriented around your intent. So you can focus, learn, and act more effectively than ever before. You can cultivate a personal knowledge garden in organized spaces with negative effort on your part compared to existing interfaces. And Enai has the semantic knowledge it needs to organize and connect all this knowledge for you.
Your computer should be a partner in connection, a library of memory and knowledge, and a guide to possibilities. Enai will simplify your life, help you think, and make you the most effective version of yourself. We hope you give it a try and become enchanted by the future of computing.